European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)
    European Society of Toxicologic Pathology
Minutes of the annual meeting
on September 21, 2000 in the Free University of Amsterdam

From 17:00 until about 19:30

  1. The meeting was opened by Dr. H. Püschner (Biberach). The minutes of the last annual meeting and the agenda for this annual meeting were unanimously approved.

  2. Dr. P.-G. Germann (Basel) reported briefly on the IFSTP/STP symposium in Orlando, FL (USA) from June 24-28, 2001. He showed the topics scheduled on the overhead projector.

  3. Dr. L. Tryphonas (Canada) explained some aspects of the International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology. He described the accreditation process and mentioned that the committee responsible has 9 members, 3 each from North America, Europe, and Japan. The European members are Dr. J. Ishmael (Great Britain), Prof. J. G. Voss (The Netherlands), and Prof. E. Karbe (Germany).

  4. Dr. J. H. Harleman (Basel) discussed the subject of registration as a toxicopathologist. (N.B.: Toxicologists have been able to register themselves as such for several years). To test the opinion of GTP members, a sample vote was taken. Sixteen voted in favor, with 4 opposed and 16 abstentions. It was decided to continue the discussion of this question on our Internet homepage.

  5. Dr. U. Deschl (Wuppertal) gave a brief report on the present number of rats (about 10,000 – 101 studies) and mice included in the RITA database in Hannover. He also reported that the book on tumor nomenclature for mice (Springer Publishers) will be available at the beginning of 2001.
    The CEPA is currently establishing SOPs on techniques on an organ to organ basis; an Internet info system is to be set up for members.

  6. Dr. P.-G. Germann (Basel) described Prof. G. Zbinden's large collection of toxicopathological cases. There are 1,300 cases, with 20-30 slides apiece, and about 1,000 colored transparencies of histopathologic lesions with short descriptions. Few have yet been able to see this collection and appreciate its value (it is now being kept at the Novartis company in Basel). Prof. Zbinden, who died in 1993, worked at Hoffmann-La Roche in Basel/Switzerland from 1954 to 1966, his final position being Head of Research. Later he was Professor of Experimental Pathology at the University of Zürich and directed the world-renowned Institute of Toxicology in Schwerzenbach near Zürich. The collection is to be inventoried and used for teaching and research purposes; CDs with micrographs of histopathologic lesions and short descriptions are to be made of the cases and offered for sale. Dr. P.-G. Germann proposed that Prof. Zbinden be honored for his services to our profession by posthumously making him a member of the GTP. This motion was unanimously accepted.

  7. + 8. Dr. K. Tuch (Hamburg) reported for the membership committee. Dr. Manuela Stolte (Hattersheim), Prof. Maja Suter (Bern), and Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Morawietz (Hannover) have become associate members; the assembly approved full membership to Dr. G. Wieczorek (Basel), Dr. A. Romeike (Amboise, France), and Dr. N. Krueger (Hanau).

  1. The GTP Publication Award 2000 was bestowed upon Dr. Virgilio Pace (Basel) and is to be presented at the ceremonial dinner on September 22, 2000. The reasons for this choice are found in the official journal of the GTP Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology (52: 492, 2000).

  2. The work of Mr. Gerd Morawietz (Hannover) in creating and maintaining the GTP homepage was praised by Dr. U. Deschl (Wuppertal). For the first time, cases for the slide seminar, including pictures of lesions, were available on the Internet and could thus be diagnosed directly. An important aspect was seen to be the establishment of an Internet Forum for suggestions, criticism, and exchange of views.

  3. Prof. E. Karbe (Wülfrath) reported that the official GTP journal would be available on the Internet, at no cost to subscribers, beginning in January 2001. He recommended placing advertisements in our journal, gave the prices, and indicated that the time between submission of manuscripts and their publication had been reduced. Thus, one should no longer hesitate to submit articles for publications. Dr. K. Tuch (Hamburg) and others suggested changing the picture on the cover more often.

  4. Considering the shortness of time available for the annual meeting, it was an advantage that the chairman's report by Dr. G. Krinke (Basel) was available in print again this year. The present secretary, Dr. H. Püschner (Biberach), who did not wish to be reelected, was greatly praised by the members for his past services.

  5. Dr. B. Lenz (Basel) gave the treasurer's report. She mentioned that numerous members had not been paid their dues, in some cases for several years. It was discussed how best to combat this negligence. One suggestion was to have the amount booked directly from members' bank accounts. It was decided that the GTP should assume the ensuing cost (1 DM per member), if members choose this type of payment. More members were in favor of having individual reminders sent out at the beginning of the year and paying themselves.
    Dr. Krinke (Basel) reported that, again this year, sponsors had been written to, asking for financial support for our slide seminar.
    The treasury was audited by Dr. P. Brander (Basel) and Dr. M. Heinrichs (Hattersheim) and found to be in good order. Dr. Heinrichs thus moved that the GTP executive committee be given the approval of the assembly. This was unanimously granted.

  6. Dr. S. Rittinghausen (Hannover) reported on the activities of the continuing education committee 2000. Four key lectures were added to the slide seminar. The slide cases were present on our homepage and could also be used by non-members for training and to check their own state of knowledge. Ninety members had registered for the slide seminar in Amsterdam.

  7. The continuing education committee 2001 is to be formed by the Southern Group. The first members already offered their participation in Amsterdam. N.B.: Prof. W. Hermanns (München) invited us to hold the next slide seminar in München on September 7 + 8, 2001. In 2002, the Central Group will put on the slide seminar, in 2003 the Northern Group.

  8. The subject of a constitutional change with respect to creating a unified membership (doing away with the associated membership) could not be discussed in detail due to a lack of time. Therefore, the assembly decided to create a working group consisting of Dr. K. Tuch (Hamburg), Prof. E. Karbe (Wülfrath), and Dr. M. Rinke (Wuppertal). There should also be an opportunity to discuss the subject further on our homepage and sufficient time should be allotted at the next annual meeting, so that the suggested constitutional changes can be brought to a vote.

  9. Prof. E. Karbe's (Wülfrath) proposal to elect a representative of the younger generation into the GTP executive committee was generally accepted (35 in favor, 2 opposed, 2 abstentions). This person should be younger than 38 years of age, and not stand for office again after reaching this age. This representative of the younger generation becomes the 4th councillor of the executive committee, whose function had heretofore not been defined so that the position had remained unfilled.

  10. A written membership survey had been carried out to ascertain members' opinions on GTP tasks and performance. About 50 responses were sent in, very heterogeneous on some points, but the survey found general approval on most GTP activities. One new suggestion was to include the election proposals of the executive committee in the invitation to the annual meeting in the Internet (which was put into practice for the first time). A limitation of the period of office for all members of the executive committee was not desired, but a majority was in favor of competitive elections. The participation of students and doctoral candidates at the annual conference should be encouraged by reducing/waiving conference fees. The majority was in favor of holding the slide seminar in the autumn and having the conference last from Friday (arrival Thursday evening) to Saturday (departure Saturday afternoon). The venue should be a university town, when possible.

  11. Dr. H. Püschner (Biberach) conducted the election of the new executive committee.
    The following were elected by a requisite majority:
    1. Dr. U. Deschl (Wuppertal) as chairman
    2. Dr. J. H. Harleman (Basel) as designated chairman
    3. Dr. W. Kaufmann (Ludwigshafen) as vice-chairman
    4. Dr. M. Heinrichs (Hattersheim) as secretary
    5. Dr. B. Lenz (Basel) as treasurer
    6. Prof. W. Drommer (Hannover) as representative of university professors
    7. Dr. P.-G. Germann (Basel) as IFSTP councillor
    8. Prof. E. Karbe (Wülfrath) as board member of our journal
    9. Dr. A. Romeike (Amboise, France) as representative of the younger generation.
    Dr. P. Brander (Basel) and Dr. T. Nolte (Halle/Westfalen) were elected auditors.

    The executive committee's proposal to name

    Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich Mohr
    as honorary member of the GTP

    was unanimously approved.
    The formal presentation of honorary membership is to take place at the joint ceremonial dinner of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology and the GTP on September 22, 2000 at the end of the Amsterdam meeting (eulogy in Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 52: 492, 2000).

  12. Given the scarcity of toxicopathologists available to industry, Dr. U. Deschl (Wuppertal) presented the basic features of a GTP training concept. With the help of specialized colleagues from industry, lectures should be offered at German and Swiss Schools of Veterinary Medicine on subjects relevant to our field. The chemical and pharmaceutical industry hopes this would awaken increased interest for the profession of toxicopathology in younger colleagues. Dr. Deschl's concept received the unlimited support of the assembly.

  13. Dr. P.-G. Germann (Basel) reported on initial experiences with practical training in industry for postgraduate pathology students. Speaking for the Schools of Veterinary Medicine, Prof. W. Drommer (Hannover) said this would also be a step to creating more interest in being employed as industrial pathologist.

  14. Prof. W. Drommer (Hannover) announced the next GTP/TiHo slide seminar: Classic Examples of Toxicologic Pathology VIII in Hannover on March 2 + 3, 2001. He also reported that the Ph.D. program in Hannover is in its second year and that about 20 persons have registered per year.

  15. Dr. U. Deschl (Wuppertal) briefly mentioned the urgent necessity of cooperating with the other European societies of toxicologic pathology. Such activities were supported by all.

Dr. H. Püschner, Secretary
Dr. U. Deschl, Chairman