European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)
    European Society of Toxicologic Pathology
Minutes of the annual meeting
on September 8, 2001 at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich

From 8:40 to 10:45 a.m.; forty-five members were present.

  1. The meeting was called to order by the vice-chairman, Dr. W. Kaufmann (Ludwigshaven). The minutes of the last annual GTP meeting in Amsterdam on September 21, 2000, were approved unanimously. The vice-chairman stated that the annual meeting had been convened according to the statutes. Changes, proposed by the vice-chairman, in the order of the previously communicated agenda, were accepted. The minutes were taken by the secretary, Dr. M. Heinrichs (Hattersheim).

  2. The treasurer, Dr. B. Lenz (Basel, Switzerland) gave an overview of the present income and expenditures. Most of the outstanding membership dues had been paid since the last membership meeting (Amsterdam, 2000). In this connection, the treasurer expressed her gratitude to Dr. A. Bube (Hattersheim) for his decisive technical support and presented the budget for 2000 on overhead foils.
    The treasurer proposed a motion for an increase in membership dues as of 2002. Following a detailed discussion, a majority of the assembled members voted by a showing of hands (with 2 abstentions) for an increase to 70 Euros; a majority also approved (with one dissension) setting dues of 30 Euros for a married partner and for doctoral candidates.
    The treasury was audited by Dr. P. Brander (Basel, Switzerland) and Dr. T. Nolte (Halle/W.) and found to be in good order. Dr. T. Nolte thus proposed a motion of approval of the executive committee. This was granted by the assembly without dissension by a show of hands. Due to the high account-keeping fees, the auditors proposed a change of bank. The treasurer agreed to examine the alternatives.

  3. Dr. W. Kaufmann (Ludwigshafen) presented the executive committee's concept for the future of the GTP, with the help of overhead foils: The GTP is the largest European society in its field, but has no further growing potential. There is a need for a European society. A solution would be to Europeanize the previously central-European GTP. A first step in this direction would be the introduction of English as language for our meetings. After a discussion, the assembled members decided the following by showing of hands:
    1. English is to be introduced as the language of GTP meetings as of 2002.
    2. At the next annual meeting the GTP will change its name to "European Society of Toxicologic Pathology".
    3. The presidents/chairpersons of European sister-societies will be informed by the GTP executive committee and invited to actively participate in the renamed GTP.

  4. Prof. Dr. E. Karbe (Wülfrath) presented suggestions of the executive committee to restructure existing GTP committees, establish new ones, and dissolve a previous one. These proposals were voted upon as follows:
    • A majority (1 dissension, 1 abstention) selected the following future members of the Awards Committee: Drs. T. Nolte (Halle/W), V. Pace (Basel, Switzerland), and M. Rinke (Wuppertal), and C. Rühl-Fehlert (Wuppertal). These members expressed the urgent wish that the membership provide active participation and numerous suggestions.
    • A majority voted for the following members of the new Guideline Committee: Drs. G. Bode (Hamburg) and P.-G. Germann (Basel, Switzerland). A request was made for two additional members (N.B.: The following members made their interest known after the annual meeting: Drs. A. Schulte (Berlin) and C. Rühl-Fehlert (Wuppertal)). Dr. Schulte suggested that the National Institute of Medicines and Medicinal Products (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte-BfArM) be consulted by the GTP on technical and regulatory questions.
    • The majority voted to establish a new Central Training Committee, consisting of Drs. U. Deschl (Wuppertal), W. Kaufmann (Ludwigshafen), B. Lenz (Basel, Switzerland), K. Tuch (Hamburg), and Prof. Dr. W. Drommer (Hannover). (N.B. As additional members, the Professors Dr. U. Mohr (Hannover) and E. Karbe (Wülfrath) were named after the meeting).
    • The new Membership Committee is to concentrate in the future on recruiting new members and sponsors. There was majority approval for the proposal to elect Drs. A. Romeike (Amboise, France) and M. Rinke (Wuppertal) to this committee; two further members are still to be named.
    • The establishment of a new "What is your diagnosis?" Committee, consisting of Drs. S. Rittinghausen (Hannover) and H. Ernst (Hannover) was approved by majority vote.
    • A majority of the assembly agreed with the proposal to dissolve the previous Professional Recognition Committee, whose members were thanked for the work they had done.

  5. Prof. Dr. W. Drommer (Hannover), Drs. U. Deschl (Wuppertal), and P.-G. Germann (Basel, Switzerland) showed foils presenting the following training possibilities for toxicopatholgists: the first GTP Toxicologic Pathology Training Course (TPTC), in English (Hannover, November 15 – 17th, 2001), the seminar Classic Examples of Toxicologic Pathology, given by the GTP and the Hannover Veterinary School (TiHo), in German (Hannover, March 1st and 2nd, 2002), and working experiences at companies.

  6. Dr. K. Tuch (Hamburg) of the outgoing Membership Committee reported that there had been two applications for membership since the last annual meeting. The recommendation to accept Dr. E. Atzpodien (Basel, Switzerland) and PD Dr. K. Kamino (Hannover) into the GTP was approved unanimously by show of hands.

  7. Constitutional amendment: At the last annual meeting (Amsterdam 2000) a working group was established, consisting of Drs. M. Rinke (Wuppertal), K. Tuch (Hamburg), and E. Karbe (Wülfrath) to prepare amendments to paragraphs 5, 7, 9, and 12 of the constitution, which would establish uniform membership and abolish the associated membership status. Prof. Dr. E. Karbe (Wülfrath) presented on overhead foils the text drafted by the working group, which had been distributed to the members a sufficient time before this annual meeting.
    The following changes to the proposed amendments were requested by the membership:

    § 5, section 2: Members writing letters of recommendation for membership applications need not have professional certification.
    § 12, section 1: The necessary majority for constitutional amendments need not exceed 50 % of all the members of the society.

    Following a lively discussion of the pros and cons, the assembly voted by show of hands to accept the proposed amendments, including the changes mentioned above, with the required 3/4 majority (1 opposing vote, 3 abstentions).

  8. The report of the Training Committee 2001 was presented by Prof. Dr. W. Hermanns (Munich). He expressed dissatisfaction with the low number of those sending in diagnoses, and suggested, therefore, that the new Central Training Committee address this problem.
    Dr. V. Geiß (Wuppertal) asked for permission to show information presented by Prof. Drs. E. Wolf (Munich) and R. Wanke (Munich) and the colleagues from Novartis AG on our homepage.
    The Training Committee 2002 will be formed from the Central Group. Dr. W. Kaufmann (Ludwigshafen) agreed to coordinate the activities. A majority of the assembly voted to hold the annual meeting in Giessen.

  9. In his report on the activities of the Awards Committee, Dr. R. Ettlin (Basel, Switzerland) regretted that no suggestions had come from the members this year, but only from the committee.

  10. Prof. Dr. E. Karbe (Wülfrath) reported on the online version of our official organ, the journal Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, available since 1999. He reported that the journal is now printing manuscripts without delay and gave the current rates for advertisements.

  11. Prof. Dr. E. Karbe (Wülfrath) gave a brief report on the activities of the International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology, explaining the point system used for acceptance into the Academy, the interim regulation for colleagues from countries where professional recognition is granted without an examination, and the fees levied.

  12. Dr. P.-G. Germann (Basel, Switzerland) used overhead foils in this report on the International Federation of Societies of Toxicologic Pathologists: Dr. R. Ettlin (Basel, Switzerland) became chairman of the Federation in June, 2001, and the next convention will be held in Japan in 2004. Dr. Germann also reported briefly on the use and status of the Zbinden collection: Slide sets may now be borrowed for personal training use for a token fee. The accompanying CD-ROM, with about 1,100 histopathological microphotos, should be available to purchase in 2002. A majority of members present voted to have 200 CD-ROMs made available at a price of 30 Euros each.

  13. Dr. J. H. Harleman (Basel, Switzerland) spoke briefly on the European College of Toxicologic Pathologists, which has yet to generate much interest among our colleagues, and explained the consequences of this disinterest. Dr. Harleman also made reference to the draft of an important new guideline of the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), which requires that carcinogenicity studies be evaluated by "pathologists ... qualified by board certification or equivalent", and indicated the possible consequences.

  14. Dr. W. Kaufmann (Ludwigshafen) presented the current status of the database Registry of Industrial Toxicology Animal-data (RITA) in Hannover: 11,206 rats in 109 studies (17,929 primary tumors and 17,001 preneoplastic lesions) and 3,572 mice in 37 studies (3,056 tumors and 1,833 preneoplastic lesions). Dr. T. Nolte (Halle/W) reported on the status of the project Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis (CEPA), including a preview of planned activities.

  15. The prize for the best presentation at the annual slide seminar, favored in the membership survey, was discussed in detail. No decision was made.

Dr. M. Heinrichs, Secretary
Dr. W. Kaufmann, Vice-chairman