European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)
    European Society of Toxicologic Pathology
ESTP Publication Award 2019

The ESTP presents its publication award 2019 and 1500 EUR prize to

Dr. Aurore Varela
Dr. Jacquelin Jolette

The publication award is given for their publication "Bone Toolbox: Biomarkers, Imaging Tools, Biomechanics and Histomorphometry" in Toxicologic Pathology 2018. Vol 46 (5) 511-529

This educational review paper provides an extensive and up to date review of the state of the art for examining bone tissue including the use of clinically relevant biomarkers, imaging tools, biomechanics and histomorphometry. These tools are demonstrated with many high quality images.

Köln, September 19, 2019

The Chairman of the ESTP The Chair of the ESTP award committee
Dr. Anna-Lena Frisk Prof. Dr. Johannes Harleman